“Taste of Tuna” – Movie Reviews


“Taste of Tuna” Review, 3000 Words in English

“Taste of Tuna” is a Japanese film directed by Jiro Hashimoto that was released in 2021. This film is a touching and thought-provoking story that explores the relationship between a father and son, as well as the struggles that come with the tradition of fishing and the challenge of preserving it in a rapidly modernizing world.

The film opens with a shot of the sea and the sound of waves, setting the tone for the story that is about to unfold. The main character, Isao, is an aging fisherman who has dedicated his life to the tradition of tuna fishing. He has a son, Daisuke, who has left the fishing industry to pursue a corporate career in Tokyo. Despite the distance between them, Isao and Daisuke still have a strong bond and love for each other.

One day, Isao is diagnosed with a terminal illness and is told that he only has a few months to live. This news is devastating to Daisuke, who rushes back to his hometown to be with his father. The two men spend their last days together, fishing and bonding over the beauty and majesty of the sea. Through these experiences, Daisuke starts to understand the importance of tradition and the passion that his father has for the fishing industry.

The film also touches on the theme of the relationship between man and nature. The fishing industry is a fragile and delicate balance between man and nature, and the film highlights the consequences of neglecting this balance. The overfishing of tuna is causing the population of the fish to decline, and this is a problem that the film addresses through the characters of Isao and Daisuke. Isao is a traditional fisherman who respects the balance between man and nature, while Daisuke represents the modern generation who is more focused on profits and efficiency.

One of the most powerful moments in the film is the scene in which Isao takes Daisuke to a place where the tuna migrate each year. Isao explains to Daisuke that the tuna are like a gift from nature, and that they must be respected and protected. This scene is a visual representation of the film’s message, and it is a moment that stays with the viewer long after the film has ended.

The cinematography of the film is breathtaking, and the shots of the sea and the boats are truly stunning. The film also features a beautiful soundtrack that adds to the emotional impact of the story. The acting performances by the two lead actors, Tatsuya Nakadai and Atsuko Maeda, are also noteworthy. Nakadai’s performance as Isao is powerful and touching, and Maeda’s portrayal of Daisuke is convincing and emotional.

In conclusion, “Taste of Tuna” is a beautiful and thought-provoking film that explores the themes of tradition, the relationship between man and nature, and the bond between a father and son. The film is a tribute to the fishing industry and to the beauty of the sea, and it is a must-see for anyone who appreciates good storytelling and powerful cinematography. Whether you are a fan of Japanese films or not, “Taste of Tuna” is a film that will leave a lasting impression on you.

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