The Red shoes – Movie Review


《The The Red shoes》(Academy Award for the 21st Best Art Direction, nomination for Best Picture, 1948)

The film tells the story between the agent and the star actor and the composer in a European ballet troupe.

At the beginning of the film, a student found that his composition was plagiarized by the teacher. What should the student do? If the plagiarism was made public, the composer would be more sad than the agent said.

Students because of the good idea to plagiarians and their own excellence, were hired by the agent before graduation, thus starting their brilliant years of cooperation.

A good drama work contains the talent of the composer, the craftsmanship of the actors, and the discerning eye of the agent. There are a lot of running in and arguing between them, but nothing is all to show a perfect work for excellence.

Performance is a kind of commercial behavior, but not all for money, more for the display of artistic beauty and the sharing of feelings. From their attitude, we can feel that most of what they do are their dedication and love for art.

Brokers want their masterpieces to travel through the world and create a few stars, but their minds are different. In front of love, the leading actors with star potential choose to give up the opportunity to be stars, to get married, to have children, to be housewives. This made the agent feel incredible, frustrated and helpless. Perhaps, this world is so constantly frustrating, helpless, and constantly develop it!

红菱艳 The Red Shoes



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